Please refer to the merchant's website for shipping costs to regions not listed here. ** Notice regarding the column "Price incl. The price applicable to the purchase is the price as shown at the time of purchase on the merchant's website. Merchants have no possibility to directly influence the display of the prices and to arrange for immediate changes to our site. In particular, price increases are possible between the date of acquisition by us and the visit of the site by you. Please note that the quoted prices are periodically generated snapshots, which may be incorrect due to technical reasons. When results are sorted by a different currency than the local currency of a merchant, the conversion is based on a conversion rate determined by us, which is often not identical with the conversion rate used by the merchant. product shares all the same great qualities as the Flirc Raspberry Pi Case. Please check the delivery terms and expenses before ordering online. fully apt updated in packages (including eeprom). * All prices in pound sterling including VAT, exluding delivery and packaging costs, unless the latter are explicitly added using the corresponding display option. The listed offers do not constitute legally binding advertising claims of the merchants! No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.